The objective of the interview is to convince the interviewer that you are the most qualified potential team member.
- Make a good first impression. Remember, your first impression may be the ONLY impression you make. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.
- Do your homework prior to the interview. Reading a company’s annual report, brochures, newsletters, and other material, can make you an informed candidate.
- Use a firm handshake and smile when you meet people, address them by name, and maintain eye contact during any conversation and the interview.
- Smile – you are trying to impress the employer! An Interviewer will respond to a pleasant smile of greeting.
- Be about five minutes early for every interview.
- Treat the receptionist with respect; assume that anything you say will be reported to the interviewer. Treating a receptionist badly is often a quick way to get screened out.
- Make small talk – the first five minutes of an interview are often informal. This is when the interviewer can judge your ability to socialize. This is a good time to comment positively on something you notice in the interviewer’s office.
- Be aware of your posture, sit upright and don’t slouch. Don’t fiddle too much, persistent and fidgeting can make an interviewer uncomfortable.
- Answer tough questions carefully. First try to understand what is truly being asked.
- Don’t negotiate a salary until after you have been offered the job.
- Close the interview effectively. Here is your chance to re-emphasize your key skills, explaining why you are perfect for the job. And, if you want the job, say so – employers want to hire people who are enthusiastic about the work.
Questions you could ask
- What would be my duties and responsibilities?
- What kind of person are you looking for?
- Tell me about the people I would report to – what are their strengths and weaknesses?
- Tell me about promotions and advancements with this company.
- What challenges might I encounter on this job?
- Rejection letters are inevitable. Do not take them personally. You cannot let a simple “no” affect you in a negative way.
- Call each person who has sent you a rejection letter and thank them for their consideration.
- Ask for feedback so that you can improve your resume, interview skills or job search direction.
Above all, never give up, keep calling, keep learning, keep improving and you will be successful.
“There is no such thing as failure…
only undesired results which can lead to
greater opportunities”